Soft tissue protection, reimagined.

the alafair mission
Alafair Biosciences is a medical device company commercializing a patented platform technology that uses natural biopolymers to address postoperative soft tissue recovery. For over 10 years Alafair has produced plant-based devices for the protection of tendon, peripheral nerve, ligament, and skeletal muscle. Our devices are used primarily by hand surgeons, foot / ankle surgeons, podiatrists, orthopaedic surgeons, reconstructive plastic surgeons, and spine surgeons in a wide variety of tendon and peripheral nerve procedures.
Our mission is to improve patient outcomes and surgeon experience by preventing unwanted soft tissue tethering using non-collagenous, bioresorbable biomaterials in all surgical applications.
protecting soft tissues
Soft tissues connect and support other tissues of the body. Soft tissues include muscles, nerves, tendons, and tissues that surround the bones and joints. When soft tissues like tendon and nerve are traumatized, surgical intervention may be the best option for repair. And even when these tissues are not the focus of a surgery, the procedure itself often requires disturbing soft tissues.
The repair or disruption of soft tissues often leads to unwanted tethering, an unintended result of the body’s natural response to build a scaffold for repair. This tethering reduces function, causes pain, and can lead to prolonged physical therapy or additional surgical procedures.
By providing a gliding surface between opposing tissues, this tethering can be prevented, without interrupting the body’s repair procedures.
Contact Us
Use the form to reach us by email. Or reach us by phone: (512) 739-9510. For technical questions and complaints: 800-206-5586.